How to Stop on a Longboard? A Simple Learning Guide For Beginner!

How to Stop on a Longboard?

To stop on a longboard, start by pushing your back foot off the board and onto the ground. As you do this, lean forward so that your weight shifts to the front of the board. At the same time, press down firmly with both feet on each side of the board while dragging your toes against the ground to create friction which will help slow you down.

If necessary, use a skidding technique where one foot is placed at an angle across from another and dragged along against pavement in order to reduce speed quickly. Finally, if all else fails use your hands as breaks by pressing them against flat surfaces such as walls or fences; however be careful not to grab hold of anything that could injure you during this process.

  • Apply the brakes: Apply your back foot to the brake at a 45-degree angle and apply pressure until you slow down or stop completely
  • If you have an ABEC 11 Flywheels Brake, simply lean forward onto it with your back foot to activate the brake pads for an immediate stop
  • Use The Carve Stop: Push off from one side of your board and carve into a turn on the opposite side while applying light pressure to your toeside edge (your right foot) as you pivot around in a circle and come to a gradual halt
  • Use The Slide Stop: Shift most of your weight onto one end of the longboard while pushing out with that same leg hard enough so that it slides against the ground like when doing a power slide, allowing you to gradually come to a stop without any sudden braking motions involved
  • Make sure both feet are securely planted on either side of where they need be before shifting all your weight over, so there’s no risk of slipping off during this move! 4
  • Jump Off: This is probably not one recommended for beginners as jumping off does require quite some balance and control over what direction you want yourself heading towards

Longboarding 101 – How to Stop; Foot Breaking, Advanced Carving, Coleman Slide!

How Do You Stop a Longboard for Beginners?

As a beginner longboarder, stopping your board can seem intimidating. But with the right tips and techniques, you can quickly become an expert at stopping your longboard. Here are some useful strategies to help beginners learn how to stop their longboards safely and confidently.

The first step in learning how to stop a longboard is understanding the basics of foot braking. Foot braking involves putting pressure on the tail of your board with one or both feet while dragging them along the ground until you come to a complete stop. This technique requires balance and coordination but it’s very effective for slowing down when needed as well as coming to a complete halt.

To do this properly, make sure that both feet remain flat against the ground throughout the process; otherwise, you could lose control of your board entirely! Once comfortable with foot braking, it’s time to start using slides as an alternative way of coming to stops on a longboard. Sliding involves putting pressure on one side of the board so that it slips sideways across the pavement instead of going straight forward like usual.

How Do You Stop And Brake on a Longboard?

If you’re new to longboarding, or just haven’t had much experience stopping and braking on a longboard, it can be intimidating. But with a little practice and knowledge of the right techniques, you can master how to stop and brake on your longboard in no time! One way to stop your board is by using footbraking.

Footbraking involves slowing down by dragging one of your feet along the ground while riding. When doing this technique, it’s important that you lean back slightly as opposed to leaning forward like when riding normally. Also keep in mind that the less friction between your foot and the ground, the faster you’ll slow down—so make sure not to wear shoes or socks with too much grip when trying this method!

Sliding is another popular way of braking on a longboard. This approach requires more skill than footbraking but once mastered can look really cool!

How Do You Brake on a Longboard?

Longboarding is a popular sport that offers an exciting and unique way to get around. With its smooth curves, longboards can be used for everything from commuting to downhill racing. But before you hit the pavement, it’s important to know how to brake on a longboard safely and effectively.

The most common braking method for longboards is footbraking. This involves using your feet as brakes by dragging them along the ground while riding in order to slow down or stop completely. To do this, you will need shoes with soles made of rubber or plastic—the harder the material, the better grip your feet will have on the ground surface.

When approaching a stopping point, shift your weight onto one foot and drag it behind you like an anchor until you come to a complete stop. For added safety, wear protective gear (like knee pads) when attempting this technique in case of any slips or falls Another type of braking technique is sliding which involves turning sharply while leaning back slightly so that part of your board skids across the ground while slowing down or coming to a complete stop.

How Do You Control Speed on a Longboard?

Longboarding is an exhilarating and exciting way to travel. It allows you to explore the outdoors, get some exercise, and feel the wind in your hair as you cruise along. But with speed comes risk, so it’s important for longboarders to know how to control their speed when riding on a longboard.

Here are some tips for controlling your speed on a longboard:

1) Use Your Feet – When you want to slow down or stop quickly, use your feet! On most boards, you can use your back foot (the one closest to the tail of the board) and drag it against the ground. This will create friction which will help reduce your speed gradually over time. The more pressure that you apply with your foot against the ground, the slower you will go.

2) Choose Appropriate Wheels – Longboards come with different types of wheels that can affect how fast they roll across pavement or terrain. Soft wheels have more grip and provide better traction; therefore they tend to be slower than harder wheels which slip easier allowing them greater speeds but less control over turns and stops because of their lack of grip.

How to Stop on a Longboard?


How to Stop on a Longboard Downhill!

Downhill longboarding is an exhilarating way to experience the thrill of riding a board. However, it can also be dangerous if you don’t know how to safely stop. It’s important to understand the basics of how to control your speed and come to a complete stop on a downhill run.

The most common method for stopping on a longboard when going downhill is by using footbraking. Footbraking involves shifting your weight onto one foot while dragging your other foot along the ground in order to slow down and eventually come to a complete stop. To do this, place your non-dominant leg out at a 45 degree angle from the board with your toes pointed downwards towards the ground as you ride down hill – keep both legs slightly bent in order for them act as shock absorbers against any bumps or cracks that may appear on the road surface.

As you begin slowing down, gently drag one foot along until you reach desired speed then shift more weight onto that same leg while simultaneously lifting up your other leg off of the board, allowing it to coast freely behind without any friction between itself and road surface – this will cause an even greater reduction in speed and help bring you into complete halt shortly afterwards!

How to Slow down on a Skateboard Downhill!

Riding down hills on a skateboard can be an exhilarating experience, but it also comes with its own set of risks. If you’re new to skateboarding or don’t feel comfortable going fast downhill, here are some tips on how to slow down safely and enjoy the ride.

1. Use Your Feet as Brakes: The most basic way to slow yourself down is by using your feet as brakes. When you start going too fast, drag both feet backwards against the ground (like you would when walking up stairs). This will create friction and help reduce your speed quickly and efficiently. Be sure to keep both hands firmly on the board for balance while braking with your feet.

2. Take Wide Turns: One of the easiest ways to slow yourself down is by taking wide turns when navigating downhill terrain. Taking wider turns reduces your overall speed because each turn takes longer than it would if you were turning sharply or veering in a straight line downhill—this gives you more time to react and adjust your speed accordingly so that you don’t go too fast into any corners or obstacles in front of you.

How to Stop on a Longboard Reddit!

If you’re a longboarder, then you know that stopping on your board is one of the most important skills to have. Whether you’re cruising down hills or through town, learning how to stop quickly and safely can make all the difference in staying safe. So if you’ve been trying to figure out how to stop on a longboard Reddit has some great tips for novice riders.

One of the best ways to learn how to stop on a longboard is with what’s known as “Carving.” Carving involves turning your feet slightly inward while pushing off either side of the deck with your toes and heels alternately. This will create friction between your board and the ground, allowing you slow down faster than if were just sliding straight along.

To practice carving, start by slowly rocking back-and-forth from heel-to-toe as you ride until it feels natural and comfortable enough that it becomes second nature when riding downhill or around corners at higher speeds. Another way suggested by Reddit users for stopping on a longboard is using footbraking (also called slide braking).


If you’re an avid longboarder, knowing how to stop is a must. Stopping can be tricky, but with practice and the right technique you’ll quickly get the hang of it. There are several methods for stopping on a longboard, including heel-dragging, power slides, and foot braking.

Heel-dragging involves dragging your back foot on the ground as you ride in order to slow down or stop completely. Power slides are when you slide sideways across the ground using your feet to control speed and direction. Finally, foot braking is when you use one foot to press down on the deck while pushing forward with your other leg in order to brake gradually over time.

With practice, these techniques can help any longboarder master their stops!

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