Success is built on failure! In skateboarding, you learn through failure how to develop a successful ride. Skateboarding is enjoyable if you have the proper riding skills! But what if you’re not a good skater?
When you first start to learn skating, you might wonder, “Why Is Skateboarding So Hard?” How do correctly learn skateboarding and what guidelines should we follow to ride like a pro?
To advance in the sport of skateboarding, one needs a combination of swiftness and perseverance. You become a master of skating after a challenging period of learning. Actually, learning to skateboard is not difficult, but becoming a good rider can be challenging. It’s all about balancing and focusing. Let’s see how hard skating sports are and how to become good.
Is Skateboarding Hard to Learn?
We don’t want to demotivate you, so the answer is no! It’s not hard to learn. Being good at skateboarding involves a lot of patience since it takes time to become good. For beginners, skateboarding is quite challenging. Only experts know how tricky it can be when you are a newcomer to learning skateboarding.
Sometimes, it can also be very difficult because failure frequently occurs when hitting concrete. For beginners, learning even the most basic tricks can take months due to the sport’s extremely steep learning curve.
If you concentrate on the fundamentals, such as balancing and riding, rather than attempting challenging tricks early on, learning to skateboard isn’t tough. Having mastered the fundamentals, learning more complex tricks feels more achievable and less intimidating.
What Makes Skateboarding Hard?

There are a few things that make learning skateboarding a challenge. Skateboarding is considerably harder than swimming, surfing, or any other sport because it requires a lot of perseverance and failure. In essence, it is challenging for individuals who are new to skating.
Keep Yourself Out of Fear
Skating is similar to stunt-type sports that we are frequently frightened to try. Therefore, when learning to skate, you must have no fear. Although with practice, safety gear, and skating knowledge, it shouldn’t always hurt.
You should use elbow protectors, knee pads, wrist guards, and skateboard helmets that have received safety certification. Also, keep yourself focused so that you won’t get seriously hurt.
Keeping Balance is Challenging
Keeping balance is one of skateboarding’s major facts. Because a simple flip or slide is quite difficult to learn as you need balancing. Start by balancing while the board is still. Place the skateboard on a large piece of carpet or another stable surface to ensure its stability.
Put your feet up and try to keep the board from moving. Once you have mastered standing, go on to exercises for moving forward and backward.
Foot Position is Crucial
Once you have learned proper balancing, understand foot placement on the board. Put your left foot forward and your right foot back for the ideal foot alignment. Also, make sure you push your board with the right foot to move faster.
If you are a left-handed person, your right foot should be on the forefoot and your left foot should be on the back foot. Try what’s comfortable for you! It’s all about your personal skills.
Fitness and Age Limitations
Skateboarding is a demanding sport because of the strain it places on your body. Your fitness should be good to try skateboarding, as being physically fit would make skating much simpler.
Don’t worry about your age limit! You can fly like a bird if you have the courage and good fitness!
Is it easy to learn to ride a skateboard?
You can also be an excellent skateboarder if you have the proper skills and expertise. The first priority should be learning the fundamentals of skateboarding, but mastering tricks is quite challenging.
It could take some time to learn the right balancing, carving, and pushing techniques. We often start by trying skilled tricks that ultimately fail us to learn the sport. At least practicing twice a week is a must.
The continuous process of skate learning will automatically teach you to master skilled stunts or tricks like ollies, 360 flips, kickflips, or shuvits. So, instead of attempting the difficult flips, start with the basics.
Is Skateboarding Good Exercise?
You can say skateboarding is a workout session. Skating has the ability to improve your health and can help you become more physically fit. It strengthens muscles while also working on the cardiovascular system.
Skateboarding uses your core muscles, so it is true that skating is a good kind of physical exercise. Regular skating can also improve your capacity for mental control. So, learn to skate as an exercise.
How Much Time Does It Take to Learn Skateboarding?
Skateboarding usually requires between 1 to 3 years to become a professional. But it depends from person to person. You need to start learning the basics first.
When to Learn New Tricks on Skateboarding?
Start learning new skateboard tricks once you’ve mastered skating skills, including balancing, pushing, turning, and stopping. You can try flips, difficult slides, and more.
By focusing on your experience and growth, you can increase your skills and learn new techniques for skating. You can learn new tricks at any time, but make sure you are pro at balancing.
Learning new tricks can be done at any time. Start anywhere you can get the board to balance. You can check out Youtube videos of professional skaters.
Best Advice for Skateboard Learning
Ideal Place to Skate
Sometimes you may feel embarrassed to be learning to skate in public. Therefore, search for the ideal place to begin your skateboarding learning session.
Avoid any bumpy or cracky areas, and remember, skateboarding is best done on flat or smooth surfaces like a basketball or tennis court. Some of the other best places you can pick are the backyard or garage, while driving, or in parking lots.
Choose Proper Time to Skateboard Learning
The best time to learn to skate should be in the morning when fewer people are around. Start your rolling session at a place that’s not too busy. If any 40s or 50s people prefer to learn to skate, they should practice at night when it is quiet and there is no traffic.
Proper Skateboard Setup
Get a good setup of your skateboard to make learning much easier. Ensure all the parts are good and properly fitted with each other. Especially, wheels, bearings, and boards.
Stretch and Warm Up Every Time
You can stretch your knees, ankles, hips, waist, and back before each workout to reduce your risk of strain. If you go slowly, you’ll discover that longboarding or skateboarding is a fantastic cardio workout.
Start With The Basics
Fall, rise, and development are the most important concepts to remember when learning to skate. Although learning to skateboard can be difficult, you can make more progress if you focus on the fundamentals or basics.
Chose Skating Technique
Determine which technique you are learning at the basic level. You should try leaning sideways, backward, and forward as well. Start by learning how to balance. Be sure to keep your knees bent and to change your body position to oppose the motion of the board.
You can start your training session by pushing and balancing while riding a board. After a few days of getting the fundamentals down, you’ll have the courage to move forward for other tricks to slide.
Learn to Turn and Push on the Skateboard
Push the board by balancing on your front leg and using your back foot to kick the ground. Bend your front knee just far enough to allow your opposing foot to touch the surface. Lean forward to boost the skateboard speed.
To turn, you should shift your weight to one side of the skateboard and press your toes or heels against the edge to move the boards left or right. To do this, you should be stable and securely positioned on your moving board.
See more: Which side of the skateboard is the front?
Learn New Tricks Progressively
After learning the basics, you can move forward to learn new skills while skating. Now, you can learn to skate in various stances and do tricks while rolling. When you can do things like roll, push, twist, and halt, you’ve already advanced yourself. Now, you have the ability to learn steps like ollies or 180-degree spin-like advanced flip tricks.
Learn to Stop When Necessary
During the skate ride, you must learn when and how to stop. You have three options for stopping the skateboard. You can stop by putting your foot down, using the tail as a brake, or performing an emergency move. Sometimes you need to jump when you lose your balance.
Maintain Balance During skateboarding
Maintaining balance is the core part of learning to skateboard. Put your feet on and try to keep the board from moving. To maintain control, bend the knees and decrease your center of gravity.
You can place the skateboard on a thick piece of carpet to ensure its stability. Try some forward-and backward-moving exercises. Using a balance board can be another great alternative.
Practice Regularly
Progress and evolution are always beside skateboarding. When learning skateboarding, practice is a must. Practicing every day will help you pick up new skills. You will experience ongoing growth and development as a skater as you advance by learning new techniques. We hope you can master difficult techniques like ollie, shuvits, or manuals.
See More: How to Practice Skateboarding
Purchase a Good Skateboard
Skateboards that have higher-quality parts are quite comfortable and safe to ride and are less likely to break. Make the proper setup and enjoy the real skateboarding experience.
Wear Safety Gears
If you’re afraid of falling or getting hurt, use basic safety equipment like safety-certified skateboard helmets, wrist guards, elbow and knee pads, and proper footwear. Even a professional rider also uses gear for safety.
Skate With Groups
Learning to skateboard with a group of friends or skaters would be excellent because it might be challenging to learn alone. You can learn skateboard etiquette and new skills from the other skates, which is a good option when learning.
Film Yourself For Improvement
You can record your skateboarding sessions on video using your camera. After watching, you can work on your balance and riding technique.
Simply recording yourself while performing the trick or stunts will help you learn a lot. So, while skating, learn from your mistakes and get better.
Search for Web Guidance
Googling or searching on the internet for guidelines for learning skateboarding can be another great way to improve. You may acquire opinions on several places online, including Reddit or Quora.
You can simply ask for advice to improve your skills. Suppose you have asked how to construct an ollie skateboard. They have the most effective instructional videos.
Watch Tutorial Videos
Watching professional skaters’ tutorials on YouTube or in skate movies on Red Bull TV or Netflix can be a great idea to learn skating tricks. Trying to observe how someone chooses a line, performs a trick, or balances while skating might help you.
Another excellent technique to learn skating from videos is to make the videos in slow motion or with sequential images. You can also learn how to skate perfectly.
Skateboarding is quite difficult for beginners as you will need to learn balance and the basics of sliding. But the difficulty level depends on your fitness, age, and persistence. It actually varies from person to person. Being skilled at new flips or slides, usually, you can be a master of skating after 1 to 3 years. Bikes and skateboards both require skill at balancing. The bike has a steeper learning curve, but once you get the grip of it, it doesn’t take long to learn. But mastering skateboarding demands more practice. If you practice regularly, skating is not a hard sport. But to be a professional, you will need to be focused on learning. We suggest skating at least twice a week.1. Why is skateboarding such a difficult sport?
2. How long does it typically take a beginner to learn how to skateboard?
3. Is a skateboard harder to learn than a bike?
4. Does skateboarding get easier?
Final Section!
It is true that skating is quite difficult to learn, but if you have the courage to succeed, you can be a pro rider with hundreds of skills. Start your learning session by following the basics and balancing. After a few months of practice, you won’t have to say Why is Skateboarding So Hard?
You can be a master of skating after a lot of practice. Although there is no quick method to master skateboarding overnight, using the advice we’ve provided can help you out!

Hi, my name is Gabriel. I am completed my MBA from private university and my subject was IT (Information Technology) and also I complete my graduation form South East University and Department from CSE (Computer Science & Engineering). I am author and blogger of this website who loves to write about different topics that are related to the board sport. From beginner tips to intermediate advice, I want to offer you quality content that will help improve your skill set and make you a better rider. Thanks for checking out my site!