how to push on a longboard?

how to push on a longboard

Pushing the longboard isn’t as easy as it seems. It requires dedication, enough practice, and, of course, an appropriate guide to follow. Despite this, if you don’t know how to push on a longboard, you will be deprived of the funniest experience of longboarding. So if you want to speed up your longboarding and be a part of the joy, read this guide thoroughly.

In the following, we have mentioned all the basic and essential skills required to push on a longboard safely and approbatory so you can become a pro rider.

Learn the basic first

Pushing a longboard is a next-level skill that requires a reliable longboard, improved balance as well as the right stance and position of the body. If you skip these techniques and directly try to push the longboard, you may end up falling off the board and losing your balance. You won’t be able to control the longboard and feel comfortable on it. 

And pushing the longboard without that basic skill can cause serious injury as well. That’s why I decided to teach you about that fundamental longboard skill so you can push the longboard appropriately and achieve the desired and satisfying performance. Let’s start with the vital part:

Pick the right Longboard

Picking the best longboard for a certain location is the very first duty before learning how to push on a longboard. The reason is that you won’t get the desired performance during pushing if you fail to pick the right longboard for a certain surface. So consider whether you will ride on hills, parks, or other surfaces while buying a longboard.

When it comes to dimensions, smaller longboards are less stable and tend to tip over more than the longer ones. Despite this, longer boards offer better stability, making them perfect for novices. However, these are less nimble.

To make sure the longboard is set up and calibrated properly, tighten its bolts and nuts. Step on the longboard after placing its deck on the ground. The board should also slide smoothly with little friction from its side to side. If you are worried about stability, tighten its nut.


It’s a vital skill to remain safe while pushing on a longboard. Luckily, you can achieve this technique easily by skating frequently, as doing so will let the body naturally improve this skill. I’m not kidding, the human body adapts well to adjusting to new conditions.

Instead, you can also improve your skills by practicing one-foot balance. You can also perform it at home without using any equipment.

Simply bend one leg and extend the other one in midair. You can keep your foot in front of, behind, and alongside you to improve your balance. Another alternative is practicing yoga, known as tree pose.

For this yoga, you will have to stand on one leg and place the other foot level against the balancing leg. This yoga also helps strengthen the ankle muscles.

Find the Right Stance and Position

The pushing technique on a longboard varies depending on the sort of longboard rider. So be sure whether you are a regular rider or a goofy one before you practice pushing on a longboard. To be sure which category you fall into, experiment with the following method.

If you ride a longboard, placing your left foot at the front, then you are a regular rider. But if you place the right foot at the front, then you are a goofy rider.

Another alternative to determine is whether you slipped on a road wearing socks. Run, jump and then lands on your leg. If you place your front foot during landing, it means you will ride a longboard using your front foot.

During pushing the longboard, the hips and shoulders remain aligned to the board and point straight in the direction you move.

To push the longboard, the rider needs to face ahead and move momentum between two feet. While you are using the back foot to push off the ground and make it parallel to the longboard, lean your body forward and flex to gain speed and balance.

How to push on a longboard

Once you have got the basic skill, you can now focus on learning how to push on a longboard.

Keep the body loose

To practice pushing effectively, start moving forward. Depending on the riding technique, take one of the feet off the longboard and then use it to push off the surface. You can perform either several small pushes or one large push based on your preference.

Keep the whole body loose while pushing the ground as it has its effect on keeping the balance. Keeping the body stiff will make it tougher to push and maintain balance.

Related Article: Where to put your feet on a longboard?

Regular or mango style

Experts recommend using the front foot to push the longboard, as it offers additional control and reasonable style. It also makes the foot brake easier to execute.

But using the back foot to push the longboard is preferable for beginner riders. This method is known as mango, and many veteran longboarders describe it as a terrible way of pushing a longboard. And applying this method means you’ll present yourself as a novice rider. But, must you give priority to your comfort rather than what other people say.

Makes frequent pushing

If you need to do lots of pushing on a longboard, use both of your feet to push back and forward. Mix both the Mongo style and the regular style instead of using only one leg. After learning the hang of pushing, you can start pushing hard to get extra speed.

Be relaxed and have fun

Be relaxed while learning how to push on a longboard to learn the skill quickly and properly. Keep the body and legs loose and go with the flow so you can enjoy the ride. This will also help you realize the connection between your body and the longboard.

Though longboarding offers incredible pleasure, don’t forget to pay extra attention. Remember, pushing hard excessively can put you at risk of injury, and it’s especially true for a beginner.

A few handy tips follow while pushing the longboard!

As you know, pushing on a longboard brings the risk of injury, so it’s worth following some tips to make the learning season safer. The following are a few helpful tricks:

  • Push yourself forward with your body weight. Increase your speed by leaning your body while pushing.
  • Push the longboard slowly at the initial stage and then speed up gradually. Remember, pushing too quickly can knock you off the longboard due to losing control.
  • Flex the knees a little bit while pushing the longboard. This way, you can keep balance and get better control over the board.
  • Steer the longboard with your arms. Keep them close to the body and bend slightly while pushing.
  • Keep an eye on the moving direction to ensure you are going in the right direction.
  • Practice with the patient frequently. You must spend enough time to feel comfortable pushing the board.


#1. Where should the body weight be on a longboard?

It relies on the riding style of the longboarders. If you are performing a carving longboard stance, you should move the body weight between the heels and toes continuously.

#2. Which foot is best to push on a longboard: front or back?

For a beginner, pushing the longboard with the back foot is a safer and better decision. It will feel comfortable while pushing the longboard.

Final words

Learning how to push on a longboard will increase your riding speed and make the sport extra exciting. But the training will be a bit trickier and riskier for a beginner even after following the technique we mentioned above. Frequent practice can only make you a pro rider, so don’t give up even after failing numerous times. For safety and better concentration, wear gloves and headgear, and choose a place far from heavy traffic areas.

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