How To Turn Longboard: A SImple & Easy Guide To Longboarding Techniques In 2023!

How to turn longboard? To turn a longboard, you must begin by properly positioning your body on the board. Place one foot in front of the other and ensure they are parallel to the deck. Bend your knees slightly to lower your center of gravity and help maintain balance.

To turn left, lean forward onto your front foot while pushing down on it with your toes. This will cause the nose of your board to pivot towards the left as you push off from that same foot simultaneously; use this momentum to carve out a wide arc until you reach a comfortable stop position for completing the turn. To turn right, reverse this process by leaning back onto your rear foot and using it as leverage against which to pivot around into an arching motion that brings you back around in a full circle.

Continually adjust pressure between feet as needed until you reach desired speed or turning angle.

How To Turn Longboard: 5 Tips To Perfect Your Longboard Turns!

Perfecting your longboard turns is crucial for smooth riding and maneuvering, especially when navigating through various terrains and corners. Here are five tips to help you improve your longboard turning skills:

Adjust Your Stance:

Your stance is key to effective turning. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, with one foot near the front of the board and the other towards the back. This position gives you stability and control. Bend your knees slightly to lower your center of gravity, which helps in maintaining balance during turns.

Also Read: How to Place your Feet on a Longboard

Lean into Your Turns:

Longboarding turns are all about weight distribution. To turn, you need to lean in the direction you want to go. For a right turn, lean towards your right and vice versa. The more you lean, the sharper your turn will be. However, be cautious not to lean too far to avoid losing balance.

Use Your Whole Body:

Turning isn’t just about leaning; it involves your whole body. Turn your head and shoulders in the direction you wish to go, and let your body follow. This helps in making smoother and more controlled turns.

Practice Carving:

Carving is a series of smooth, flowing turns that help in controlling speed. Practice carving on gentle slopes to get a feel for how your longboard responds to different lean angles and pressures. Carving also improves your overall balance and board control.

Adjust Your Trucks:

The tightness of your longboard’s trucks greatly affects turning ability. Looser trucks make it easier to turn but can decrease stability, while tighter trucks increase stability but make turning more challenging. Find a balance that suits your riding style and skill level. If you’re new to longboarding, start with tighter trucks for stability and gradually loosen them as you become more comfortable.

Remember, like any skill, perfecting longboard turns takes practice. Start slow, practice regularly, and always wear protective gear to ensure safety while you’re learning and improving.

How to Longboard Surf for Beginners

For those just starting out with longboard surfing, it is important to ensure you have the right equipment and know basic safety techniques. Ensure your board has a good grip on the surface of the water, wear a life jacket in case of any falls or slips, and always be mindful of other surfers before entering the water. Additionally, make sure to practice proper paddling technique and positioning on your board until you’re comfortable enough to stand up and ride waves!

How to Turn Longboard


Are Longboards Hard to Turn?

Longboards can be difficult to turn, especially for those who are just starting out. However, with practice and experience longboards become easier to turn. Here are some tips on how to make turning a longboard simpler:

• Practice in open areas. Avoid busy streets or crowded sidewalks where you could crash into something if you lose control of your board.

• Learn the basics first like pushing and coasting before attempting more complicated tricks like carving or sliding.

• Find an experienced rider that can help show you proper techniques and provide guidance while learning how to ride properly.

By following these tips and getting familiar with riding a longboard, it will soon become much easier to turn!

How Can I Make My Longboard Easier to Turn?

Making a longboard turn more easily can be achieved with the following steps: • Adjust your trucks: Tightening or loosening the kingpin nut can help to adjust how responsive and easy it is to turn. • Replace bushings: Different durometers (hardness) of bushings will affect turning.

Choose a softer bushing for increased maneuverability. • Change deck shape: Select a narrower, shorter board as they are easier to turn due to their lower weight and surface area. • Use proper technique: Practice pushing off gently with your back foot while leaning into turns slowly with both feet evenly distributed on the board.

By making these adjustments, you should find that your board responds better when turning and you will have an easier time controlling it in curves.

Are Longboards Good at Turning?

Yes, longboards are good at turning. Their wide decks and low center of gravity make them an ideal choice for quick turns. The following points highlight why longboards are great at turning:

Longboard decks are typically wider than skateboards, providing a larger surface area to shift your weight on when turning.

– The lower center of gravity makes it easier to balance while performing sharp turns.

Longboard trucks and wheels can be adjusted to increase the responsiveness of the board, making tight turns much easier to execute.

Overall, longboards provide excellent maneuverability and control which is perfect for executing sharp turns with ease.

#4 Turning With Your Longboard

FAQs Of How To Turn Longboard!

What are the basic techniques for turning on a longboard?

  • The basic turning techniques involve shifting your weight and using your body position. For a basic turn, lean your body in the direction you want to go. For sharper turns, use more pronounced leaning and possibly even pivoting on your heels or toes, depending on the turn.

How do I make sharp turns on a longboard?

  • Sharp turns require a combination of leaning and foot positioning. Place your back foot near the edge of the tail and use it as a pivot point, while leaning your body into the turn. Practice quick weight shifts and balance to execute sharp turns smoothly.

Can I adjust my longboard for better turning?

  • Yes, adjusting the tightness of the trucks (the metal parts that hold the wheels to the board) can change how your board turns. Looser trucks make the board turn easier but can reduce stability, while tighter trucks offer more stability but make turning harder.

Is turning different on a longboard compared to a skateboard?

  • Yes, due to the longer length and different truck configurations, longboards have a wider turning radius than skateboards. Longboards are better suited for smoother, more gradual turns or carving, while skateboards are better for quick, sharp turns.

What is carving, and how is it different from regular turning?

  • Carving is a series of smooth, flowing turns, often used to control speed on a descent. It involves a rhythmic side-to-side motion, leaning into each turn. Carving turns are generally broader and more fluid compared to regular sharp turns.

How do I practice turning on a longboard?

  • Start practicing on a flat, smooth surface with plenty of space. Work on shifting your weight and leaning into turns. Gradually move to gentle slopes to practice controlling speed with turns.

What safety precautions should I take when learning to turn?

  • Always wear appropriate safety gear, including a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. Practice in a safe area away from traffic and obstacles.

Does my stance affect how I turn the longboard?

  • Yes, your stance is crucial. A wider stance offers more stability, which is helpful for beginners. As you get more comfortable, you can adjust your stance for more agility in turns.

How important is foot positioning in turning?

  • Very important. Your front foot controls the direction of the turn, while your back foot helps with the pivot. Experiment with different foot positions to see what works best for your style.

Can wheel type affect turning on a longboard?

  • Yes, softer and rounder wheels can provide more grip, which can help in making smoother turns, while harder, smaller wheels can make sliding easier, useful for more advanced turning techniques like powerslides.


Longboarding can be a great way to get around town and have fun at the same time. It’s easy to learn, provides an excellent workout, and is relatively inexpensive. With just a few items you can get started longboarding in no time.

Before you start riding, make sure to wear safety gear such as a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards. Taking these simple steps will help ensure that your longboard experience is safe and enjoyable for many years to come!

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