How To Brake On A Longboard: Essential Techniques and Tips In 2023!

How to brake on a longboard

How to brake on a longboard? To brake on a longboard, begin by shifting your weight to the back foot while maintaining balance on the board. Next, use your rear foot to press down on the tail of the board, causing it to slow down gradually. You can also apply pressure with both feet evenly for more control over stopping speed and direction.

To come to a complete stop, you will need to lean forward and drag your front foot lightly against the ground or pavement. Be sure not to drag your shoe too harshly as doing so could cause injury or damage your shoes. When done correctly, braking should feel natural and smooth – like leaning into a turn when skateboarding or surfing!

5 Proven Ways To Safely Stop On Your Longboard!

Stopping safely on a longboard is essential for every rider, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced longboarder. Here are five proven ways to stop safely on your longboard:

Foot Braking:

This is the most basic and commonly used stopping method. Gently place one foot on the ground and apply gradual pressure to slow down. Keep your weight on the board and use your foot as a brake. It’s ideal for low to moderate speeds.


This method involves making wide, sweeping turns to reduce your speed. By zigzagging or carving back and forth, you create more friction and naturally slow down. This method is useful for managing speed on downhill runs.

Slide Stop:

This advanced technique involves shifting your weight and using your longboard’s wheels to create friction against the ground, causing the board to slide and slow down. There are different types of slides like the heel side, toe side, and Coleman slide. This method requires practice and is typically used at higher speeds.

Air Braking:

While not a complete stop, air braking helps reduce speed, especially when going downhill. Stand up straight on your board and spread your arms out wide to create air resistance. This method is more effective at higher speeds.

Jump Off:

As a last resort, if you’re unable to stop using other methods, safely jumping off the board can be an option. This should only be done at lower speeds and in a safe area. Practice rolling out of a fall to minimize injury.

Remember, the key to safe stopping on a longboard is practice and control. Always wear appropriate safety gear, like a helmet and knee pads, and practice these techniques in a safe, traffic-free area until you’re comfortable with them.

How to Slow down on a Longboard Downhill

One of the best ways to slow down on a longboard downhill is by using your weight. By leaning back and shifting your weight onto the rear wheels it will help reduce speed, as well as applying pressure to the front truck for extra grip. Additionally, you can use foot braking which involves dragging your foot along the ground and creating drag against it, or tucking which is when you lower yourself close to the board in order to create more wind resistance and decrease speed.

How to Brake on a Longboard


How Do You Practice Braking on a Longboard?

Practicing braking on a longboard requires patience and practice. Here are some tips to get started:

• Push-off from the ground with your back foot – this will give you momentum.

• Use your front foot to apply pressure on the ground as you slow down.

• When slowing down, lean slightly forward for better balance and control.

• Gradually increase the amount of pressure applied until you come to a stop.

By following these steps, you can learn how to brake properly while riding a longboard safely and confidently!

How Do You Stop And Brake on a Longboard?

To stop and brake on a longboard, the following steps should be taken:

• Position your feet to distribute weight evenly.

• Lean back slightly to raise the front wheels off the ground.

• Drag one or both feet against the ground to slow down.

• When necessary, press firmly on both foot brakes in order to come to a complete stop.

By taking these simple steps, you can safely and effectively stop and brake on a longboard with ease.

Do You Have to Break in a Longboard?

Yes, you have to break in a longboard. This is important to do before you start using it as a way of transportation or for tricks. Breaking in your board will help it last longer and improve its performance over time.

Here are the steps that should be followed:

* Clean off any debris that may be on the deck.

* Ride the board at slow speeds around flat areas such as parking lots or driveways while gradually increasing speed until you feel comfortable going faster.

* Perform basic tricks like pushing with one foot and pumping with both feet to get used to how your new board rides and reacts under different conditions and terrain changes.

By breaking in your longboard properly, you will ensure maximum safety, better control, increased comfortability when riding, smoother transitions between turns and carving sessions, improved acceleration abilities from pumps as well as higher top speeds overall!

How Do You Stop a Longboard from Going down a Hill?

To stop a longboard from going down a hill, there are several techniques that can be used:

• Foot Braking: This technique requires the rider to dig their toes into the ground, resulting in friction and slowing of speed.

• Heel Dragging: The rider drags their heel against the ground while simultaneously pushing forward on the board with their front foot. This slows down speed gradually as it creates friction between shoes and pavement.

• Carving/Ollieing: Carving is an advanced braking technique which involves turning at angles while riding downhill. Ollies involve popping up off the board quickly to change direction or slow down momentum.

These methods require practice but are highly effective for experienced riders. Overall, stopping a longboard from going downhill can be done using various techniques such as foot braking, heel dragging, carving or ollieing – depending on experience level and terrain conditions.

How Do You Footbrake a Skateboard?

Footbraking on a skateboard requires skill and practice. Here are the steps to do it correctly:

– Push off with your back foot, then put your front foot over the bolts of the truck.

– Lean forward slightly until you feel resistance from the brake pad on your shoe against the wheel.

– Apply pressure slowly until you stop moving forward.

– Once stopped, make sure both feet are firmly planted on the board before releasing pressure from brakes or pushing off again.

With time and practice, you will be able to master this technique!

How Do You Slow down on a Skateboard?

Slowing down on a skateboard can be accomplished in several ways.

• Start by shifting your weight to the back of the board, which will reduce speed and make it easier to come to a stop.

• Explore braking techniques such as sliding, pumping or drag-braking with your feet.

• Use caution when turning sharply, since sharp turns increase friction and slow you down quickly.

Finally, practice these methods often so they become second nature while riding!

Longboarding 101 – How to Stop; Foot Breaking, Advanced Carving, Coleman Slide

FAQs Of How To Brake on a Longboard!

What is the easiest way to brake on a longboard?

  • The easiest and most basic braking technique is foot braking. It involves gently placing one foot on the ground to create friction and slow the board down.

Is it possible to brake on a longboard at high speeds?

  • Yes, it is possible to brake at high speeds, but it requires more advanced techniques like slide braking. This involves shifting your weight and using the board’s wheels to create friction against the ground, causing the board to slide and slow down.

Can I use my hands to brake on a longboard?

  • Hand braking is not typically recommended as it can be unsafe, especially at higher speeds. The more accepted method for advanced riders is a hand-down slide, where gloves with pucks are used to touch the ground during a slide to help control the stop.

What is the safest way to brake on a longboard for beginners?

  • For beginners, the safest way to brake is foot braking at lower speeds. It’s important to practice in a safe, open area and wear protective gear, including a helmet.

How can I brake on a longboard while going downhill?

  • Going downhill, you can use carving and slide braking to control your speed and stop. Carving involves making wide, sweeping turns to slow down, while slide braking is more effective for quicker stops.

Is air braking effective on a longboard?

  • Air braking, where you stand upright and spread your arms to create wind resistance, can help reduce speed but is not very effective for a complete stop. It’s more of a speed control technique, especially useful at higher speeds.

What should I do if my usual braking method isn’t working?

  • If your usual braking method isn’t working, try to safely slow down using an alternate method like carving or air braking. If all else fails and you’re at a low enough speed, you may need to safely step off the board.

Do I need special shoes for foot braking?

  • While special shoes are not necessary, it’s advisable to use sturdy shoes with durable soles, as foot braking can cause significant wear on your footwear.

How do I improve my braking skills on a longboard?

  • Practice is key. Start in a safe, flat area and gradually move to gentle slopes as you gain confidence. Always wear protective gear and consider taking lessons from experienced longboarders.

Is it safe to longboard in wet conditions?

  • Longboarding in wet conditions can be dangerous as it reduces traction and makes braking more difficult. It’s best to avoid longboarding in the rain or on wet surfaces.


Overall, longboarding can be a very enjoyable and convenient way to get around. However, it is important to understand the basics of braking before taking your board on the roads. We hope that this blog post has provided you with some useful information on how to brake safely and effectively when longboarding.

Be sure to always take safety precautions by wearing protective gear and never ride in areas where it is not allowed or unsafe. With careful practice, you will soon master the art of braking like a pro!

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